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Sunday, 29 April 2012

Good day Bad day: need to start collaborating

The first submittal is coming up quickly, just a few days now, and im happy with the film so far, but the progress with the outlining and finalising the scenes is slow- alot slower than expected. To get the colouring done aswell I need to get others on board with their collaboration and get them to hopefully colour a few scenes- that will take the pressure off a little...

Also, for the music at the minute, Ive managed to find a track that surprisingly fits quite well- its quite elevator music style, quite quirky but not overpowering or too strong, although at times a little repetative. But if nothing elese comes through from anyone, I know ive got a backup.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Good day Bad day: Ongoing animatic 2

                                  Just another version of the animatic, slightly more updated...

The music here is only temporary as hopefully Ill find someone to do an original soundtrack for me, but as a back up I feel this works- its catchy, merry, not too overpowering, but still a little repetative

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Good Day Bad Day: Ongoing Animatic

Thought it was time to get another animatic together, to see the film all working together.

Plus, as unfortunatly over easter, the person that was supposed to be producing my music had to pull out, I now need to get my information to other people, and quickly, so the more I can show them to get them interested, the better...

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Good day Bad day: where did those three weeks go?..

So the easter holidays have come and gone- and now the panic begins to set in...

Because I still cant work on Flash at home, I had to try and find all of the time possible to get in to university to continue working on it. I wanted all of the animation atleast roughed out, inbetweened, and wanted to start outlining, but things havnt gone as quickly as possible, but I think beggining outlining this week will still leave me time to outline and colour all of the scenes...

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Good day Bad day: its all because of the cat?..

Now the animation is coming together. The scene of the two outside the house is coming together and looking nice, and the end scene of the two outside has been keyed, so is ready to be inbetweened.
Alos the house collapse has been roughed, which Im happy with.

But at the end of the piece, after the credits, I want to add a small scene of the cat that runs throughout the film. He pounces on the bad day character twice thoughout it, and is clinging onto his back when they enter the good day house. So I want the scene to show the cat after the colapse, sat next to the rubble, and will zoom in to his eyes where become shifty. I want it to show this sweet, innocent animal, and adding a comedy twist- making it seem that it was all down to him. The scene might not work but I wanted to try it out.