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Friday, 14 June 2013

Back off to Dinamo with the Wildernuts...

This week I've been back at Dinamo Productions in Cardiff, working again on a Flash based children's programme, this time called 'Wildernuts'. It was great again to get back to flash symbol based work and to be be back with alot of the same people I was there with when working on 'The Lingo Show'.

It took a little time to get back used to working with symbols rather than drawing it all in, but once I was off I learned to love it again and the time flew by. Thanks again to everyone at Dinamo for giving me the chance to re-join and contribute to the show, it was a great experience and can only be helpful for the future.
copyight Dinamo Productions

Monday, 10 June 2013

Showtime wins Best 2-D animation glammy 2013...

I'm proud to announce that Showtime won the 'Best 2-D Animation' award at the 2013 University of Glamorgan Glammies! It was a great surprise and I can't thank the judges at Dinamo enough for liking the film so much to vote it the winner. There was some very stiff competition this year, so even to be placed amongst the other pieces of work was good enough for me.

So thank you to everyone who has supported me in the creation of Showtime, as well as throughout University as a whole. It hasn't quite sunk in yet that it is all over, but hopefully it's all up hill and good things from here. But without all of the family and friends support over the past three years I wouldn't be in this position, and I wouldn't be able to say with pride, here is Showtime, please enjoy...
