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Friday, 7 December 2012

The circus takes a new direction...

wow, its been a while... and since we last spoke, the circus has well and truly taken a different turn. Well to be more precise, about 3. But we got there in the end. so let me tell you things from the beggining of the end...

I left you with the thought of the showcase, which in the end seemed too all over the place, it would have left audiences maybe underwhelmed, and I wanted to feel I finished this year with a film at the end of it.

So it was back to the drawing board...

So with the idea now set in the circus, made simpler, focused more on the animation and story, theres still alot of potential for ideas. The film at this stage focuses on the circus master attempting to keep his failing circus going, even if his performers are failing around him. On his final night before closing, we join him at Showtime...
The following ideas were made to fit with this idea. They take elements and plans for the original idea and merge them with different characters or twist them to fit the new idea...

From here, it still seemed that a lot of characters would be needed, which was the problem in the first place, so to cut down even more, it seemed better to just use the circus master and a sidekick who would perform all of the different acts in different costumes...

Using just the cirus master and a sidekick for the film will mean it has focus and opens up the possibility for more comedy with the use of different costumes on the same characters- even using the sidekick as animals.
 Deciding to add a second sidekick will give the opportunity for them to become mischeavous and have a relationship of their own, fighting between each other and teaming up against the circus master. So now with the last few ideas coming together, it was time to get back to designing, and now with three characters to concentrate on alot more development could be done.

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