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Sunday, 28 April 2013

Crate O'Pillows...

The pillow box has had a revamp ready for the master to fall from grace...

The Master is in for a shock...

With this next scene, I had to get across the fact that he is falling. little elements like the hair moving in the wind will hopefully emophasize this and bring it to life a little furhter...

With this section it was great to playn around with some bold poses for his panic striken situation as he falls. Even more so for the next shock he has in store...

I couldn't resist adding the odd silly little pose, so the master here gets the Bruce Forsyth treatment...

Creating the lightning strike look is fun, quick and in my eyes really effective. Its fun to see the master in different exaggerated poses and really bring the feel of a traditional cartoon to the film.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Spinning the master...

Things on the film are going a little slower than anticipated at the moment. The clean up is much more of a painstaking process to get a constant style throughout, but hopefully in the end it will all be worth it.
These shots are from the next scene, and the hand coming in really shows the two different styles of the real world and drawn world and the contrast between them...

It was alot of fun experimenting with the squash and stretch on these poses and really stretching the character to his limits

Monday, 22 April 2013

Showtime hits the final stage...

The final stage of the film has began progress. Although there is still quite alot of outlining and tweaking to complete, the colouring is able to begin. The scenes weren handed over to designers to go towards there collaboration project, and the process couldn't have been simpler -  keeping the film linear so the characters just needed colouring white to stop the background from showing through...

I'm really happy with the way the film is looking and feel that even without colour it is still bold and engaging. The lack of colour allows the sketchy lines to remain clear and for the style to be prominant, as well as emphasizing the fact that everything is being drawn straight onto the page. The elements of colour from the pencil then make the contrast even sharper and emphasize the seperation of the two worlds further.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Title sequence gets a revamp...

Showtime is becoming a little too long, and therefore things need to be sacrificed. I dont really want to get rid of any of the story itself, so it felt that the title section , in which the hand of the animator was originally seen coming in and preparing himself to draw the film, will be cut to just a simple shot of the animators desk, displaying art and design work for the film, with the titles then fading onto screen before zooming into the blank page for the film to begin. This will keep it simple, clear and still get the message across of the film being drawn straight onto the page without leaving audiences having to wait too long for the film to kick off...

These are just rough versions of the background, but they show the general idea of how it will look when complete, using a blocky, bold, colourful style similar to that of fifties cartoons and the work of Cartoon Modern, so that it contrasts the sketchy look of the main film itself and shows the seperation of the real world of the animator and the drawn world of the character.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Good Day Bad Day heads to MIAF...

Today I've recieved some very exciting and humbling news, that my second year film, 'Good Day Bad Day' has been chosen to be played amongst approximately 400 other animated films from around the world at 'Melbourne International Film Festival 2013' this June! It will be showcased on one of the ten days of the event, and I couldn't be more shocked and gratefull that my little film is travelling half way around the world to be shown to audiences over there. It's mind boggling but I'm totally thrilled... 

Time to tweak and clean 'Showtime'

Well, it's back to uni after the Easter holidays- I say back but i've treated the hols just like any other three weeks so have been working away as per usual. So now the film is all roughed and key framed, and now its on to the task of tweaking and cleaning - this is where the film starts to really come to life and the final look starts to take shape.

Some of the beggining sections have been outlined already so it was just a matter of tweaking timing and details of animation which has helped alot and really brought the section together, making it more interesting and hopefully keeping people interested to carry on watching,

I dont want to spoil the final film but here are a few stills as a bit of a sneak peek...

Saturday, 13 April 2013

The Ultimate Image...

Now without further ado, after all of the different designs and composition tests, heres the final Ultimate Image...

ultimate image design nears conclusion...

After looking at some more artwork, I stumbled upon the art book for the Dreamworks film, 'Rise of the Guardians', which featured an image on the front that instantly struck me. It had a white background and a sketchy style that matched that of my business card and CV, and featured a fantastuic composition of characters coming in from the side leaving lots of opne space that really drew attention. This seemed like something I wanted to try so I set off creating some new designs...

ultimate image designs


For the second module of business studies, we were set the task of creating an ultimate image- an image that would show our style, advertise us and show our work quickly to onlookers for use on websites or other promotional material. The process began by looking at various images, posters and pieces of artwork to study layout and compositions, before starting to design one of my own. The fun then started when it was time to create a selection of designs and compositions to choose from to become the final piece...

Then desk designs would allow me to show various characters aswell as a selection of art and design work to show off other things that I am able to produce, to they seemed overall a little too cliche and busy...

These seemed nice and keeping then clean and simple suited the business card and cv, but something about them just wasnt working...


I liked some of the designs, but something wasn't quite working. The pieces weren't suiting my style and mixing well with that of the business card and logo, so it was back to the drawing board...