For the second module of business studies, we were set the task of creating an ultimate image- an image that would show our style, advertise us and show our work quickly to onlookers for use on websites or other promotional material. The process began by looking at various images, posters and pieces of artwork to study layout and compositions, before starting to design one of my own. The fun then started when it was time to create a selection of designs and compositions to choose from to become the final piece...
Then desk designs would allow me to show various characters aswell as a selection of art and design work to show off other things that I am able to produce, to they seemed overall a little too cliche and busy...
These seemed nice and keeping then clean and simple suited the business card and cv, but something about them just wasnt working...
I liked some of the designs, but something wasn't quite working. The pieces weren't suiting my style and mixing well with that of the business card and logo, so it was back to the drawing board...
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