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Friday 26 September 2014

Christmas comes early to the Fire Fighter Charity...

Someone who works with the fire service asked me to design a set of Christmas cards for the Fire Fighter Charity, a task which I lept at and really enjoyed getting my head into the Christmas theme and mixing it with that of the fire service. I went with the idea of an Elf Fire Department, and the mischief and mayhem that can ensue from their Elf Fire Fighter training...

Monday 15 September 2014

'Children of the Holocaust' launches in Leeds...

Today, 'Children of the Holocaust' had an amazing screening event at Leeds Hyde Park Cinema house, and it was amazing to not only see the series up on the big screen, but to meet all of the people that have been involved in the production who's names we've heard in the Fettle studio, but never met in person. And of course to meet the survivors who were interviewed and whose stories were told in the series was a great moment. The reaction we got back from those there was overwhelming, and it makes all of the hard work so much more worth while. To know that its a series that has the potential to teach and tell these stories and maybe make a difference is amazing, its one of those projects that doesn't  come around every 5 minutes, and I'm extremely grateful to have been a part of it.

Friday 12 September 2014

'Children of the Holocaust' hits the small screen...

 Well there it is, up bright and early at 4:00am for the showing of 'Children of the Holocaust' which I was so lucky to be an animator on at Fettle Animation.
 It's quite odd to see something you've worked so closely on over the past year appear on the TV, and it's hard to watch it as an overall piece and story without thinking, 'I remember how hard that shot was' or 'I remember when that happened with that episode', even stopping yourself looking for mistakes is difficult...
..But it's a proud moment to see your name up there and know you were a part of something as special as this project, something that doesn't come around all that often. And I couldn't have asked for a better team and place of work to do it in. To go into work and not have it feel like work, to be around people that you feel comfortable with and can enjoy your time with, its a special thing and is something I feel so lucky and grateful to have been a part of.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Get set for 'Children of the Holocaust'...

Everything's set and ready to go for 'Children of the Holocaust' appearing on BBC 2 this Friday, 12/09/2014. It may be at 4:00am but to see something you've worked on for so long up there for all to see is pretty special... bring on Friday morning...

Tuesday 9 September 2014

'Children of the Holocaust' gets a screening in Leeds...

With the showing of 'Children of the Holocaust' coming up this Friday, a screening event is taking place on Monday the 15th September at Leeds Hyde Park Picture House which will include a showing of the whole series, as well as a Q & A session with those involved.

I can't wait to meet everyone else that has been involved in the production outside of Fettle's studio, especially the survivors whose stories we told. It's going to be a very odd experience to meet the people face to face when we've worked with their stories so closely over the past year, but it's going to be amazing.

'Showtime' heads to Bristol for the Victoria Park Action Group festival...

Following 'Showtime' being included in the 'Show me the Animation' app, they are also including it in a family friendly screening for an event being run in Bristol on the 13th September,

This is excellent news, and its nice that 'Showtime' is still getting about...

Wednesday 3 September 2014

'Children of the Holocaust' hits the TV screen...

'Children of the Holocaust' is finally being given it's time to shine. On the 12th September at 4:00am on BBC 2, the full series of 6 episodes is being shown back to back. If this seems a little early, then the series will also be available for 7 days afterwards on the BBC IPlayer. I for one will be up at the crack of dawn for a front seat viewing, and it's great that after all this time its getting its time in the limelight. Well done to everyone at Fettle Animation for getting the project to this point...